Pacific Circle Consortium International Conference - July 19th, 2018 Dr. Bernadeia Johnson and I presented a session entitled : The "White" Way May Not Always Be the Right Way - A look at school discipline disparities along racial lines.
Participants from many different countries attended our session. As we began to analyze some of the root causes for Minnesota's discipline gap, these participants were able to recognize some of the same issues in their own countries. Through discussion and other interactive methods, we able to engage in substantive dialogue about the persistent issue of racism in education.
National Summit for Courageous Conversations about Race October 17 - 20, 2018 Philadelphia, PA I, along with my colleagues, presented at Summit. Our Leadership strand session documented the evolution of Department of Educational Leadership's approach to training racially conscious leaders. Our interactive session was full and very well received. Participants from all over the country wanted to know how to bring this type of racial equity focused principal preparation to their areas. Their experiences mirrored our own in the need for this educational stance and experience.
University Council of Educational Administration, November 19 - 23, 2018 Houston, TX I, along with my colleagues, presented at the UCEA Convention. Our Innovative Session / Mini-Workshop documented the evolution of Department of Educational Leadership's approach to training racially conscious leaders. We were able to connect with our attendees on a personal level and share some of our practices and reasoning on a granular level. The participants - administrators and graduate students - were able to draw parallels to their own experiences and voiced their appreciate for some concrete steps and strategies they could adopt for their own practices.
Objective 2: Collaborate with colleagues on a paper for publication.
American Association of School Administrators - Journal of Scholarship & Practice Article Submission: START with Race: Designing Racially Conscious Principals Dr. Jinger Gustafson, Dr. Candace Raskin, and I collaborated on an article about the evolution of the Department of Educational Leadership's journey to become an intentionally equity minded department that would produce racially conscious school principals. Based on previous work by Gooden and Dantley (2012), and Furman (2012), we formulated a strategic framework using the moniker START (Self, Talk, Apply. Research, & Time) to speak to the transformation from what the Department had been in 2011, to its present mission, vision, and practice. The article was submitted for review May 1, 2019. We await the results...
Objective 3: Apply for a National Science Foundation grant.
National Science Foundation Grant Application: Racially Conscious STEM Teaching - In Progress Dr. David Kimori and I are collaborating on an project that would look at teaching K-12 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics) teachers a racially conscious curriculum to take back to their classrooms. We are collaborating with Jeane McGraw from RASP as well as Dr. Chad Wittkoff, an MNSU faculty, and Dr. Gillian Roehrig from the University of Minnesota, both of whom have a lot of experience and success with writing grants for the National Science Foundation. The due date for our proposal is June 7, 2019. This email below documents our first feedback from an NSF program director.
Additional Work
Reviewed Proposals for University Council of Educational Administrators Convention As part of the process for applying to present at UCEA, my colleagues and I were invited to review proposals and provide critical feedback in several areas. I personally reviewed seven different proposals and gave outstanding approval to three proposals, approval with revisions to two proposals, and rejected two proposals based on academic merit, quality of writing, and relevance,
Keynote Address for the YMCA, College of Education, Concurrent Enrollment Program - August 22, 2018 I was asked to provide the keynote address for this conference. My address was entitled: The Power of a Personal Invitation. This talk centered on the methods and effectiveness of active recruitment of people of color to places and spaces where they have been underrepresented. This includes concurrent enrollment classes and job opportunities.