Reflection: I volunteered to take the lead for this year's Equity Conference. I used a Gantt Chart shared via Google Sheets as a work stream to plan various aspects and assign duties. The progress report was a standing agenda item in our department meetings. I was given a lot of positive feedback from several department members and attendees as to the conference's success. I plan to lead it again next year.
Reflection: I along with others helped to narrow an craft an actionable tool to assess each department's practice around racial equity. As a result of using this tool, we as the EDLD realized that while we were doing well in our Specialist courses, we were deficient in our Masters program and need to be more intentional about addressing issues of racial equity in those courses.
Reflection: Since 2008, I have served as a member of the University of Minnesota's College of Education and Human Development Dean's Advisory Board. I have learned much about strategic planning, fundraising, community outreach, and the application of cutting edge research to enhance the lives of the community. I plan to continue to serve.
Reflection: Board of Teaching ; Bias Review Committee Work
I participated in a 2-day Minnesota Teacher Licensure Examinations℠ (MTLE℠) Test Materials Review Conference in Minneapolis held by the Evaluation Systems group of Pearson and the Minnesota Board of Teaching. I, along with members of my group, reviewed test questions and answers in order to check for bias. |
Reflection: I was asked by a colleague to observe her class and to give feedback. I scripted what I observed, and then gave her feedback. We then had a collegial conversation about how best to present information to students via print, slides, and D2L. - A very productive and informative time.
MEA October 19, 2017
Reflection: I, along with others, represented our department by hosting a booth at MEA this year. We had a lot of traffic and I was able to connect with many people. In order to speak knowledgeably about our programs, I needed to do a bit of research beforehand. I found it to be a great learning opportunity for me. As a result of our presence at MEA, we had several people enroll in our program! |
Guest Lecture
Reflection: I was invited to be a guest lecturer in a colleague's class. During that time, his students and I conversed about the cultural power of language and its implications for how people and their ideas are perceived. It was a great experience and I enjoyed being with them and pushing their thinking. |